Parent Workshop Testimonials

Emotional Regulation
  • Very engaging and insightful workshop
  • Having Maddie's experience as part of the session was so helpful and I recognise so much of my daughter's experience in hers. Her responses to questions were very helpful
  • Such a helpful session, very sensitively and warmly put across
  • The session was very informative, I learned a lot of valuable information
  • These sessions are a lifeline for our family. When you live a life where you feel like you're on the outside of a circle, Drumbeat's service helps us feel we are supported and understood
  • It's really great to hear autistic adults talk about their experience
  • Very helpful and a lovely environment to speak openly
  • Drumbeat is such a great resource. Great to meet other parents in similar situations. Great advice
Managing Anxiety
  • Workshop and delivery was great. Interacting with other parents was so helpful and encouraging
  • Personal perspectives from Maddie and Pete were really powerful 
It's Different for Girls
  • Had an amazing experience. Felt able to be vulnerable and open without being judged
  • Interesting to hear other stories from other parents in a group that is structured. Good content and information
Supporting School Based Anxiety
  • Being a parent of an autistic child can feel isolating despite the support. Also increases my own anxiety levels. Being a part of the Drumbeat community eases that anxiety and gives me a comforting feeling of "home"
  • Very positive attitude from the presenters. Really appreciate your effort and work to deliver this
Understanding ASD
  • Excellent team work, openness and honesty
  • I feel very privileged to have access to an organisation like Drumbeat. Thank you so much for the session and for all that you are doing to support neurodivergent people
Preparing for Puberty
  • Fantastic workshop that had lots of useful information. The resources were an added bonus. I really enjoyed this and have taken away lots of suggestions that will be very useful
  • Well researched, well thought through advice. Heartfelt, genuine delivery and a great amount of care taken to support parents who are in highly challenging situations
Preparing for Transition
  • Welcoming and inclusive atmosphere
  • Thank you so much for all the workshops. They are so useful. I wish every parent of a child with ASD knew about them as they are excellent